Quelmar Wiki JAMathon

From Brain to Stage in under a Week

Inspired by Game Jams and Play Jams, we put together fully produced adventures in under a week, entirely community-sourced
Kelly Glazer, Craig Ritchie, and more...
The first Quelmar WikiFest JAMathon was a community led worldbuilding event that took place from the 12th to the 18th of July 2021, designed to celebrate the Quelmar Wiki and the creativity of the community. Participants spent the week writing and uploading their wiki pages, with any topic open for creation. These ideas were then distributed amongst the GMs, who used them to form a one-shot game for Sunday’s event. GMs were welcome to run any system they're comfortable using, however only two days were given to plan their game.

Read about the first JAMathon here:
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Today is the day to claim a seat at your first Quelmar event. We have ongoing adventures online and in-person in select areas.
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